Enrolling at Shorncliffe
Thank you for considering our school for your child/ren. Our website provides lots of information about our school and helps you see what Shorncliffe is all about. We encourage you to take a tour of our school to gather further insight into what we have to offer our students and families.
If you would like further information about enrolling at Shorncliffe or would like to make an appointment for a school tour please contact our Administration team via phone (07) 36319222 or email admin@shorncliffess.eq.edu.au .
Shorncliffe State School has an Enrolment Management Plan. The purpose of this plan is to ensure we can provide educational opportunities for the students living within the Shorncliffe area. Each year we do have a limited number of vacancies that may be offered to students who live outside our catchment area. Please read the Enrolment Registration link to the right.
Preparatory year
To determine when your child can commence their preparatory year, use the prep ready reckoner calculator.