
Cliffe Cafe



Contact: (07) 3631 9222 or email

Cliffe Café open for orders: Wednesday & Friday

About the Cliffe Cafe

The Cliffe Cafe is owned and operated by the P&C Association.  It is open on Wednesdays and Fridays and aims to provide a service that promotes a balance of treats and healthy nutritious food whilst following the Smart Choices Strategy - a healthy food supply policy based upon Australian Dietary guidelines. 

The Smart Choices Strategy is designed to assist children to make good choices by classifying food and drink as Green, Amber or Red based upon nutritional criteria – green indicates a healthy choice of which you can have plenty while amber choices should be selected carefully with large sizes avoided; red items should be reserved for special occasions. Many items are made from scratch in the Cafe such as our Pasta Bolognese and Anzac biscuits to ensure a healthier product.

Whole fruit is on offer in the mornings for Brain break, followed by the full menu for Main break at 11:00am and a limited menu for Second break at 1:35pm. Please note that hot food is only offered during the main break.

The P&C uses School24 as the online platform to purchase tuck shop items - you can easily register by visiting School24 and using the school ID 25493963. Your School24 account can also be used to purchase uniform shop items and event tickets.

Orders can be placed through the School24 App until 7:30am on Wednesdays & Fridays and you can even place an order in advance for the following week. There are no over-the-counter sales or acceptance of cash.

If your child arrives at school without lunch, you should encourage them to talk to a teacher. The school office will then attempt to notify the family.  If the family is unable to provide lunch, the tuck shop can prepare a sandwich and piece of fruit for the child at a cost of $5.00 - you will be able to pay this through School24 as an emergency lunch.

If your child has serious allergies or intolerances, please ensure this information is entered on your child's profile in School24 and has been communicated to the school office. We are an allergy aware cafe.

Please discuss with your child what you are ordering so they know what to expect. Some items such as frozen treats need to be picked up. All pickup items will have the word PICKUP printed next to the item. To collect the item, they will need to present their lunch bag at the Cafe. Encourage your child to come and see the cafe convenor or their teacher if any items are missing or incorrect.​

Last reviewed 13 February 2025
Last updated 13 February 2025